Friday, March 23, 2012

Iguazu Falls Reaction

Iguazu falls was not what I expected, in both a great and negative way.  It’s like the Disneyland of nature, the only place I’ve found where you can hike for 3 hours without your shoes touching the dirt.

Don’t get me wrong, Iguazu is amazing, so much so in fact that I feel like it ought to be exclusive, VIP, I feel like you should have to earn a view, climb a mountain, swim the river, spend 3 days being eaten by mosquitoes, just to get a glimpse.  I don’t think that everyone with a camera, 20 dollars, and 4 free hours should have the privilege.  Would Mt. Everest be as cool if there were a chairlift to the top?

However, being commercialized has its advantages, namely a boat ride into the heart of the falls in which you get soaking wet and a train ride that leads to a path over the river right up to Devil’s Throat (the larger falls).  The river above the falls is so big that you have to walk for 10 minutes, over nothing but water, and that’s just half the river.

But at the end of the day, it had the same feeling as Disneyland, at first magical, and then overdone.  Like, it’s annoying that all my photographs have already been taken by millions of people before me.  Also, right as I was leaving, I found this:

The Sheraton Hotel of Iguauz, not 10 minutes walk from the falls
I’m super glad I got to see it, I just wish it hadn’t been so easy…

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